‘Noble Creations’ album!

Only 25 CD’s left in stock! (Get your copy below!) 👇🏽

My 6 year old son, Noble, just completed his first album of songs, titled Noble Creations! 👏🏽

The album includes 8 songs about some of his favorite topics, like animals, dinosaurs, Pokemon, and his children’s class! 😊🙏🏽

To celebrate the Baha’i festival of Ayyam-i-Ha, Noble wanted to share his songs with everyone! 🎁

You can stream/download the album for free below! 👇🏽

‘Noble Creations’ – MP3 Download

Support Noble!

If you’d like to support Noble and his creative pursuits, we’ve got something really special to offer you! 💙

For just $30 $15, you can get a limited edition copy of Noble’s Noble Creations CD combined with my Created Noble CD, signed by both of us! 💿

This offer will only be available until the end of February!

All proceeds go to Noble’s college fund! (which will be used to support his higher education pursuits in the future!) 🎓

Get your signed copy of the double CD below! 👇🏽

You can preview my “Created Noble” album below! 👇🏽
All CD’s come signed by Noble and me! ✍🏽


“We have made music a ladder by which souls may ascend to the realm on high…” 

– Baha’i Writings