MLK Day 2019

One of the things I’m most grateful for in my journey as an artist is the beautiful spaces it has drawn me into. My mission and intention in music is to create hip hop that is socially conscious and spiritually focused, with an aim to uplift, educate, and inspire. With this being my focus, I’ve been drawn into spaces and towards people that share similar aims and aspirations, and it’s AMAZING!!
This past MLK Day was one such example! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of my biggest inspirations and influences in terms of my desire to be an agent of positive social and spiritual change in the world. He sacrificed his life (both figuratively and literally) in order to help bring civil rights to the African American population. He did it through nonviolence and civil disobedience, in a way that sought to manifest love, justice, and humanity in all people. What could be more noble than that?
So when I was invited to come and perform at a local MLK Day unity festival, I absolutely HAD to take the opportunity! The event was held in Mesa, Arizona, and had many public servants, artists, and community members. It was inspiring to see so many who were passionate about various elements of social change come together in unity and solidarity. They were an awesome audience to perform for!
I performed three tracks: 1) “Down With The Movement”, featuring my good friend Kishan, 2) “Nothing But Love” which typically features my young homie William (who unfortunately wasn’t able to make it to the event), and 3) “Change the World” my most popular song, which features my “broda from anoda moda” AWU, who lives in Cameroon. During Change the World, all the kids in attendance got on stage and sang along with the chorus. It was SOOOO beautiful!!
Once again, I’m so grateful to have been able to participate in this space and meet so many amazing people in my community who are working for change! I hope to continue to have more opportunities like this to be of service and contribute to the advancement of society through sharing the gift of rap and music!
Thanks for reading my blog post! I’d love to get your thoughts/comments below :). Did you do anything to celebrate Martin Luther King Day? What do you find most inspiring about the life and legacy of Dr. King?
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