EP19: Our Birth Story (w/ My Wife, Mallory Quigg)

Comments: 9

On October 28th, 2020, my wife Mallory birthed our newborn son, Justice Michael Justice. Like with our first son, Noble, Mallory made the choice to do an all natural home birth. We also utilized the Bradley Method of natural childbirth, which places the partner (myself) in the role of coach.

Many people have asked us to share more about our birth story, so we thought it would be fun to record it in the form of a podcast episode. We recount the 9 months of preparation leading up Justice’s birth, the highlights of the labor and birth, the background behind his name, and other interesting tidbits related to child birth. We hope you find it insightful, inspiring, and elevated!

For more information on the Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth:

Do you have any questions about our childbirth that we didn’t cover in the podcast episode? Leave it in the comments below and we’ll be sure to answer it! 😊🙏🏽



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